The Swedish 2030-secretariat

The Swedish 2030-Secretariat has only one goal: to ensure that Sweden reaches its climate target for the national transport sector by 2030. More precisely: 70 percent emission reduction between 2010 and 2030 in the transport sector. Also knows as the toughest climate target in the world.

How did we end up here?

With 0,15 percent of global emissions, it would be easy to argue that Sweden has little or no impact on the global climate. Even adding the impact of consumption – goods produced elsewhere but used in Sweden – the impact stays at 0,3 percent.

However, seven out of the eight parties in the Swedish parliament agreed that with such a small part of the global emissions, Sweden’s only way to be truly relevant in combating climate change would be as a role model for others; a permanent exhibition for climate friendly solutions or a global climate helpdesk. A ground for trial and error, with solutions ready to be adapted around the globe.

The world’s most stringent climate target was thus approved by the Swedish Parliament in June 2016; net zero by 2045 which means at least an 85 percent emissions reduction in Sweden compared to 1990, with up to 15 percent reductions elsewhere, but financed by Sweden. Until 2030, emissions are to be reduced by 63 percent.

The Swedish Climate Act has only one sectorial target; a 70 percent emissions reduction between 2010 and 2030 in the transport sector – a “Fossil-independent transport sector”.

The target of a “fossil-independent transport sector” had already been proposed by a government commission in 2013, and our organization – the Swedish 2030-Secretariat – was launched to ensure that this target became law.

The 2030-Secretariate consists of a a core team and a “coalition of the willing” including 70+ Swedish corporations, organisations and NGO:s sharing the same goal and earnest pressing for the shift to sustainable transportation. We are political independent, but work in close dialogue with Swedish politicians, political parties and relevant authorities. Strictly bound to this specific commitment. We offer analysis, statistics, political advice.

The remarkable thing about the Swedish transport target is that it includes all ground transport. Not only new vehicles, not only electromobility, not only cars. Hence, this demanding target cannot be met by one solution. The only way to reach the goal is by combining efforts within the three “B:s”: Bilen (all vehicles), Bränslet (all fuels) and Beteendet (Behavioral changes).

In recent years there has been a paramount change in the industry message to politics. A wide industry coalition is now calling for a faster and more confident adaption to a sustainable, fossil free, business sector. They seek accurate political action and guaranties for long lasting political instruments and policy decisions.

This historical shift in economic prosperity and business sense is arguably one of the best lessons learned from the Swedish climate target for the transport sector: when we create a sustainable industry with long lasting terms and conditions, adding the political and market preconditions needed to progress in new technological solutions, we get forerunners and strong international market competition. With the right market conditions and a proactive government, we can attract big businesses, create new jobs and strengthen the economy. And it’s all really about pushing further and pushing forward.

Contact us

For general questions regaring the organisation, communication matters, inquires from media. Please contact:

Agnes Bondelid

For questions regarding sustainable mobility, behavioural changes, inter-sectional solutions. Please contact:

Maria Stenström

For questions regarding transition to sustainable fuels and vehicles, and questions regarding Sweidish and EU politics. Please contact:

Mattias Goldmann